The services are available at http://bi.oca.com.ar:8100/ws/interfaz_ocastock.asmx

As a general consideration, you must access to each of these methods through SOAP using HTTP POST and you must have coordinated beforehand the details of your implementation with OCA’s IT department.

The minimum of interfaces needed for an automatic stock administration requires implementing only five methods: interfazProveedores, interfazProductos, interfazModelos, interfazDestinos and interfazPedidos. Depending on the service’s needs, the products’ features and the information requested by the client, it will require the rest of the methods or not.

See below the details of each method and the order suggested for their implementation.

(All the methods require three parameters, idServicio, User and Password, which are the fixed data that will be provided by OCA. These are useful to identify, in a clear and safe way, the service and application that the WS is trying to use.)


These are the available methods to make orders, check entries, check the stock, products, etc:



Input:It is an XML that contains the suppliers’ data that have to be registered and/or be modified. The first element of this XML is “suppliers” and it can contain “register” and/or “modify” elements, depending on whether you want to register a new supplier or modify the data of an existent one.

These elements can also have the following attributes:

Attribute Type Length Comment
idServicio Int It is the Service’s ID
codProveedor String 20 Identifies the supplier
proveedor String 200 Supplier’s business name

Sample of the input parameter:


Response of the interfazProveedores:

As long as the method ends in less than 30 seconds, it will respond with an XML with the result.

The first element is “input”, which contains the “errors” and “processed” elements.

“errors”: For every error it contains a “supplier” element with the codProveedor (codSupplier) attribute and an element of “error” inside with the description of the error generated.

“processed”: For every supplier successfully processed it contains a “supplier” element with the “idProveedor” (idSupplier) and “codProveedor” attributes and the generated action “register” or “modify”as value.

Sample of response:




Input:It is an XML with the data of the products that have to be registered, cancelled and/or modified. The first element of this XML is “products” and it can contain the “register”, “cancel” and/or “modify” elements, depending on whether you want to register a new product, cancel a product or modify the data of an existent one.

The elements can also have these attributes:

Attribute Type Length Comment
idServicio Int It is the Service’s ID
codProducto String 50 It identifies the product
producto String 200 The product’s description
Peso Decimal The weight in kilograms. It’s optional.
trazabilidad String 255 Use only when the products must be identified individually, for instance, by “series”. This allows to have a traceability for each product. It’s optional.
esCombo Booleano Use only when the product is a combo, then use “interfazCombos” instead of “interfazModelos”
fechaBaja DateTime Product’s cancellation date. YYYY.MM.DD format.

Sample of the input parameter:

Response of the interfazProductos:

As long as the method ends in less than 30 seconds, it will respond with an XML with the result.

The first element is “input”, which contains “errors” and “processed” elements.

“errors”: For every error it contains a “product” element with the codProduct attribute and an element of “error” inside with the description of the error generated.

“processed”: For every supplier successfully processed it contains a “product” element with the “idProduct” and “codProduct” attributes and the generated action “register” or “modify” as value.

Sample of response:



Input:It is an XML with the data of the models that have to be registered, cancelled and/or modified.

The first element of this XML is "models” and it can contain the “register”, “cancel” and/or “modify” elements, depending on whether you want to register a new model, cancel a model or modify the data of an existent one.

These elements can also have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idServicio Int It is the Service’s ID
codProducto String 50 Identifies the product to which the model belongs
codProveedor String 200 Identifies the supplier to which the model belongs
codModelo String 50 IIdentifies the model
modelo String 255 The model’s description
fechaBaja DateTime The model’s cancellation date. YYYY.MM.DD format.

Sample of the input parameter:

Response of the interfazModelos:

As long as the method ends in less than 30 seconds, it will respond with an XML with the result.

The first element is “input”, which contains “errors” and “processed” elements.

“errors”: For every error it contains a “model” element with the codModelo attribute and an element of “error” inside with the description of the error generated.

“processed”: For every model successfully processed it contains a “model” element with the “idModelo” and “codModelo” attributes and the generated action “register” or “modify” as value.

Sample of response:




Input:It is an XML with the data of the destinations that have to be registered and/or modified.

The first element of this XML is "destinations” and it can contain the “register” and/or “modify” elements, depending on whether you want to register a new destination or modify the data of an existent one.

These elements can also have the following attributes:

Attribute Tyoe Length Comment
idServicio Int It is the Service’s ID
codDestino String 20 Identifies the destination
destino String 255 The addressee’s name
idProvincia Int Identifies the province (see the provinces’ master document)
domicilio String 255 The address, in general it’s street name + number + floor + apartment
localidad String The destination’s town
cp Int Zip-Code (see the Zip-Code’s master document)
mail String 300 The addressee’s e-mail. It’s optional.
celular String 50 The addressee’s cellphone. It’s optional.
sigla String 3 Acronym. Use only for deliveries at branch offices. It’s obtained from the E-Pack’s WS.

Sample of the input parameter:

Response of the interfazDestinos:

As long as the method ends in less than 30 seconds, it will respond with an XML with the result.

The first element is “input”, which contains “errors” and “processed” elements.

“errors”: For every error it contains a “destination” element with the codDestino attribute and an element of “error” inside with the description of the error generated.

“processed”: For every destination successfully processed it contains a “destination” element with the “idDestino” and “codDestino” attributes and the generated action “register” or “modify” as value.

Sample of response:




Input: It is an XML with the data of the orders that have to be registered.

The first element of this XML is "orders” and it must contain one or more elements of “register”.
This element can also have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idServicio Int It is the Service’s ID.
idOperativa Int Identifies the order’s operation. These are fixed values provided by OCA.
codPedido String 20 Identifies the order.
codDestino String 20 Identifies the addressee, previously informed at “interfazDestinos”

At the same time, the “register” element must contain the “detallepedido” element, which should contain one or more elements of “product” and this should have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
codProducto String 50 It’s the product’s code, previously informed at “interfazProductos”
cantidad Int The quantity of the requested product

Sample of the input parameter:


Response of the interfazPedidos:

As long as the method ends in less than 30 seconds, it will respond with an XML with the result.

The first element is “input”, which contains “errors” and “processed” elements.

““errors”: For every error it contains an “order” element with the codPedido attribute and an element of “error” inside with the description of the error generated.

“processed”: For every order successfully processed it contains an “order” element with the “idPedido”, “codPedido” and “idDestino” attributes and “register” as value.

Sample of response:




Input: It is an XML with the data of the prices that have to be registered.

The first element of this XML is " productosPrecios” and it may contain elements of “register”.

This element can also have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idServicio Int It’s the Service’s ID
codProducto String 50 It’s the product’s code, previously informed at “interfazProductos”
precio Decimal The product’s insured value.
vigencia Fecha The model’s cancellation date. YYYY.MM.DD format

Sample of the entry’s parameter:


Response of the interfazProductosPrecios:

As long as the method ends in less than 30 seconds, it will respond with an XML with the result.

The first element is “input”, which contains “errors” and “processed” elements.

“errors”: For every error it contains a “productosPrecios” element with the “codProducto” attribute and an element of “error” inside with the description of the error generated.

“processed”: For every product’s price successfully processed it contains a “productosPrecios” element with the “codProducto” an “validity” attributes and “register” as value.

Sample of response:




Input:It is an XML with the data of the purchase orders that have to be registered.

The first element of this XML is " ordenesCompra” and it may contain one or more elements of “register”.

This element can also have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idServicio Int It’s the Service’s ID
oc String 20 Identifies the purchase order

At the same time, the “register” element must contain one or more elements of “model”, which should have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
codModelo String 50 It’s the model’s code, previously informed at “interfazModelos”
cantidad Int Quantity of the model that will be allowed to be admitted at the plant.

Sample of the input parameter:


Response of the interfazOrdenesCompra:

As long as the method ends in less than 30 seconds, it will respond with an XML with the result.

The first element is “input”, which contains “errors” and “processed” elements.

“errors”: For every error it contains a “ordenesCompra” element with the “oc” attribute and an element of “error” inside with the description of the error generated.

“processed”: For every model successfully processed it contains a “ordenesCompra” element with the “oc” attribute and the generated action “register” or “modify” as value.

Sample of response:




Input:It is an XML with the data of the combos that have to be registered. A combo will never be modified nor cancelled.

The first element of this XML is "combos” and it may contain one or more elements of “combo”. This element can also have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idServicio Int It’s the Service’s ID
codProducto String 50 It’s the product’s code, previously informed at “interfazProductos”

At the same time, the “combo” element must contain one or more elements of “composition”, which should have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
codProducto String 50 It’s the product’s code, previously informed at “interfazProductos”
cantidad Int Quantity of the product in the combo product.

Sample of the input parameter:


Response of the interfazCombos:

As long as the method ends in less than 30 seconds, it will respond with an XML with the result.

The first element is “input”, which contains “errors” and “processed” elements.

“errors”: For every error it contains a “combo” element with the “codProductoCombo” attribute and an element of “error” inside with the description of the error generated.

“processed”: For every combo’s price successfully processed it contains a “combo” element with the “codProductoCombo” attributes and “register” as value.

Sample of response:




Input: It is an XML with the data of the entries that have to be registered. An entry control will never be modified nor cancelled.

The first element of this XML is "controlIngresos” and it may contain one or more elements of “register”.
This element can also have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idServicio Int It’s the Service’s ID
oc String 20 Identifies the purchase order, previously informed at “interfazOrdenesCompra

At the same time, the “register” element must contain one or more elements of “model”, which should have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
codModelo String 50 It’s the model’s code, previously informed at “interfazModelos”

Only in the case of the products with traceability by series the models contain “series” elements.

Sample of the input parameter:


Response of the interfazControlIngresos:

As long as the method ends in less than 30 seconds, it will respond with an XML with the result.

The first element is “input”, which contains “errors” and “processed” elements.

errors”: For every error it contains a “controlIngresos” element with the “oc” attribute and an element of “error” inside with the description of the error generated.

“processed”: For every model successfully processed it contains a “controlIngresos” element with the “oc” attribute and the generated action “register” or “modify” as value.

Sample of response:



The method returns the available stock, it is recommended to use it once a day, after the assemblage closing period established with the operation.

The XML starts with the “stock” element with “product” elements. This element can have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idProducto Int OCA’s internal identifier of the product
codProducto String 50 Identifies the product
producto String 255 The product’s description
deposito String 50 Name of the deposit in which it is located

At the same time, the “product” element must contain one or more elements of “model”, which should have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idModelo Int OCA’s internal identifier of the model
idProveedor Int OCA’s internal identifier of the supplier
codModelo String 50 It’s the model’s code, previously informed at “interfazModelos”
codProveedor String 20 It’s the supplier’s code, previously informed at “interfazProveedores”
stock Int The available stock at the moment

Sample of the method’s response:




FechaDesdeInclusive (DateFromInclusive) and FechaHastaNoInclusive (DateToNon-Inclusive): These are the dates between which you deserve to see the entries to OCA.

The method returns the available stock, it is recommended to use once a day, after the assemblage closing period established with the operation.

The XML starts with the “entries” element with “product” elements. This element has the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idProducto Int OCA’s internal identifier of the product
codProducto String 50 Identifies the product
producto String 255 The product’s description

Each “product” element contains one or more “supplier” elements. This element has the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idProovedor Int OCA’s internal identifier of the supplier
codProveedor String 20 It’s the supplier’s code, previously informed at “interfazProveedores”
proveedor String 200 The supplier

At the same time, the “supplier” element contains one or more elements of “model”, which should have the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idModelo Int OCA’s internal identifier of the model
codModelo String 50 It’s the model’s code, previously informed at “interfazModelos”
modelo String 200 The model’s description
fechaIngreso DataTime Date of the entry to OCA, YYYY.MM.DD format.
cantidadIngresada Int The quantity that entered to OCA.

Sample of the method’s response:




FechaDesdeInclusive (DateFromInclusive) and FechaHastaNoInclusive (DateToNon-Inclusive):These are the dates between which you deserve to see the orders, it is recommended to use it during one week maximum.

idEstadoPedido:It filters the orders according to the present status. It can contain one of the following values:

idEstadoPedido Status
0 It shows all the orders, no matter the present status
1 Assembled
2 Open
3 Required
4 Confirmed
5 At Packaging
6 Re-entered to stock
7 Pre- Assembled

The XML starts with the “orders” element with “order” elements. This element has the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idPedido Int OCA’s internal identifier of the order
codPedido String 20 Identifies the order, previously informed at “interfazModelos”
fecha String The date the order was made, YYYY.MM.DD format.
estadoPedido String 255 The order’s current status. If it’s “At Packaging”, you can get more detailed information about its status at the E-Pak system using the CUIP
cuip Int It’s a 19 digits number which identifies the shipment at the E-Pak system.
nroRemito Int It’s the receipt number
codDestino Int Identifies the destination, previously informed at “interfazDestinos”
destino String 255 The addressee’s name.

Each “order” element contains one or more “product” elements. This element has the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idProducto Int OCA’s internal identifier of the product
codProducto String 50 Identifies the producto
producto String 255 The product’s description
cantidad Int Order’s required quantity

Each “product” element contains one or more “model” elements. This element has the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idModelo Int OCA’s internal identifier of the model
codModelo String 50 It’s the model’s code, previously informed at “interfazModelos”
modelo String 200 The model’s description
cantidad Int Order’s required quantity

Only in the case of the products with traceability by series the models contain “series” elements.

Sample of the method’s response:




FechaDesdeInclusive (DateFromInclusive) and FechaHastaNoInclusive (DateToNon-Inclusive): These are the dates between which you deserve to see the orders that have been cancelled. It is recommended to use it during one week maximum.

The XML starts with the “remitosAnulados” element with “ped” elements. This element has the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
idPedido Int OCA’s internal identifier of the order
codPedido String 20 Identifies the order, previously informed at “interfazPedidos”
operativa Int Identifies the order’s operation. These are fixed values provided by OCA.
nroRemito Int This is the remittance number
fecha String The date the order was cancelled, AAAA-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.S.

Sample of the method’s response:




oc:It’s the purchase order whose admission to OCA is required to be checked.

The XML starts with the “controlIngresosVuelta” element with a “register” element for every entry created. This element has the following attributes:

Atributte Tipo Length Comment
idServicio Int It’s the Service’s ID.
oc String 20 Identifies the purchase order, previously informed at “interfazOrdenesCompra”
nroRemitoIngreo String 50 It’s the receipt with which the entry to OCA is generated.

Each “register” element contains one or more “model” elements. This element has the following attributes:

Atributte Type Length Comment
codModelo String 50 It’s the model’s code, previously informed at “interfazModelos”.
cantidadIngresada Int The quantity that has entered.

Only in the case of the products with traceability by series the models contain “series” elements.

Sample of the method’s response:



To get the credentials and access to the webservices, you should get in contact with our IT area. You can make the request to the following e-mail address: integraciones@oca.com.ar